Rules & Limits

-- Literacy: I am not a literacy Nazi. I do, however expect basic correct spelling and grammar. Yes, you will make mistakes, as I do, and I will overlook them, unless it's every fifth word.

-- Post Length: I will type a fairly long intro, or response to an intro, and after that I generally reply with anything from three sentences to two longer paragraphs. You don't have to write me a novel, but please, just a thought out reply of more than a single sentence.

-- Play by email, please, unless you are just bound and determined to talk me into something else. PM on site = probably. AIM = maybe, if you're really convincing. Forum post-play = not unless there's real-world cash bribery involved. :D

-- No god-moding, no PP, please. I play my character, you play yours. I appreciate some beforehand OOC discussion if you are going to maim or kill my character.

-- I have few limits. The limits I DO have are coming up here in a moment. I write graphically, whether lust or violence, with plenty of attention to gory detail. I will respect your limits unless that limit is something like you want only cute and fluffy, which would make us a poor pair-up as far as playing, anyhow.


Now, the limits. These are not up for discussion - they are firm NEVER, EVERS:
   1. NO poo. Not the bear who lives in the Hundred Acre Woods, the stuff that belongs in the sewer. The only acceptable use in a rp with me is something like, "AGH! SHIT! I was on my way into the bathroom to take a shit, but I'd just smoked some real good shit, so I didn't notice the cat shit on the carpet again, and stepped right in it!"
   2. NO bestiality (and no, werewolves/other sentient shapeshifters DON'T count as animals.)
   3. NO kiddies. No characters younger than fifteen.
   4. NO mpreg. THE single-most horrible, disgusting, vile concept ever dreamed up in the depths of utter depravity. Whoever thought of this ought to be impaled the way Vlad Tepes used to do it, nice and SLOW.
   5. And, last, NO vore. Ew. Goofy, stupid, with a side-order of ick.

...So, if you are still interested in roleplaying with me, please click one of the links above.
